So back at work today after a long and lazy end of year holiday. whoooaaa So lazy one. I really was not ready for work today. Despite that, I did arrive at work 10 mins early. I thought I'd better start off the new year on the right foot. And what a better way of doing that with a bright and early start to work. (except it rained this morning hehe) 2007 as yet will be a challenging year for me career wise. We have planned a lot of projects kicking off in a couple of months time. And I need all the help I can get. I hope I can do well. Ameen.
It was quite a funny feeling on the way to the office. As I entered the main door, I felt like I was in a daze. It felt as if it was my very first day at work, but I knew where to go. In the office, it seemed foreign to me yet everything was familiar. I sat at my desk for a while wondering and not knowing what to do. But luckily that didnt last long. I snapped right out of it. I immediately took a bottle of water for my plants. Phew.. they're still alive! Before I left to go on leave, I purposely flooded the pot and its reservoir to anticipate the 10 days or so of drought. And my plants survived.. yeay heheh I continued on to go through the 200 odd emails sitting in my mail box. But hey, I did well today. Managed to get through all of them, although I still need to follow up on some of them.
Made myself a cupp of tea. Some time ago IT suggested that I take ginseng tea to get myself an energy boost. So that was what I took. Its one of those 3 in 1. Quite nice I must say. At 10.30 my boss invited me to join him for a break. I can never resist a chance to eat. So off we went to happy dean. Had kolo mee with shredded chicken. It was great, as usual. Saw Sanusi there (my batch mate from MD). I've not seen him for ages. Said hi and bye.
Lunchtime, I thought I'd go off to Big Mama's. On the way there, there was a huge traffic jam. By huge, I mean about 5 mins wait. U know, I just hate waiting and not doing anything. Sitting in a stationary car isnt much fun either. So I made a detour and decided to call IT to see if he was game for a drink. He was and off we went to the mall. We ended up at one of my fav hanging out place....... took some pics.
Internet terminals

1 comment:
mmm. anti suhanas sheperd's pie.. minggu dapan tah minta buat kan...
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