Monday, 29 January 2007

daa di daa

hmmmm cant think of anything to post today.... lets see where my typing will go.. I was sort of free the whole day today in the office. I attended a training this morning at the IT building. The company has introduced an online purchasing system for all the stuff that you require from the company to help us to do our job. This is one of the company's effort to streamline the company's operation and of course eventually cut cost and for the company to be efficient. Last year was the introduction of leave system. All done digitally. This online shopping is quite cool. It works very much like any online shopping, much like amazon etc. the only difference is, we dont have to pay for any of them, well so long as our office has the budget and the 'purchase' will only be approved when the need for it can be justified. Well for the big and expensive items anyway. Of course cheap stuff like stationery, no need for the budget committee to approve. You can get varieties of items on it, from stationery, to uniforms, cooking utensils, computers and even vehicles! Seriously!. Too bad thy do not have free delivery service. We still have to pick-up our orders from the stores :P Anyways.. that took the whole morning.

Speaking of morning.. gosh the weather was really lousy today. It rained all day. My from my freezing cold office, the view outside was very much like any European city. Not! heheh well it was cold and it was wet and grey. It reminded me of England weather. But hey, the forcast was thet Elnino is going to affectbrunei in feb with hot and dry weather. I just hope it wont be too hot and too dry. I cant bear hot weather. makes me wanna skip lunch coz of theat. Come to think of it, inda jua ku pernah kan skip lunch coz of anything. I always brave the weather for lunch. heheh Hujan ribut pun still I would go and feed myself.
Speaking of lunch, had lunch at Auntie Damit's today. It was a stroke of luck. I called up my dad during lunch hour to tell him of the insurance that I had just purchased for my car. The current insurance policy runs out at the end of the month. So anyway, he was at auntie damit's having lunch with my mum and nini bungsu's family. I of course invited myself over. hehehe Hey there were loads of food still. Anyway, there was no occasion for he makan. I had soto, a bit of thai fried rice and then some cakes. whoooaa So full one. Ended up being late for work.

BTW, the insurance I bought was from bibd. you guys who are renewing your car insurance... go and get them from bibd. cheap kali ah.. and they take care of everything.. from your blue card to your road tax. Atu baru ya service.. good job. I hope they keep up this kinda service or even exceed this in the future. It will definitely be good for their business. To be honest, I was going to renew the insurance somewhere else, but sorry matey, time karing2 ani.. I'll go for the cheapest and less hassle. Wudn't you?

oh today... I heard ada atm machine melatup. coz luan banyak kali kana takan-takan. and I also heard ada yang button nya aus... too much of katik-katik. hehhe - Sory guys.. its a pivate joke. but u should get it too. well for bruneians anyways.

Oh oh I need to tell you guys about my presentation at the conference I attended last week. It was my first ever presentation infront of huge audience. And it did not help that they were managers from all over the world, europe, middle east, asian countries and australia. Gosh I was a nervous wreck. Although I mostly read my presentation and not be as impromptu as I would like, I think it went quite well. Couple of people congratulated me. So that was great. But to be honest, I was somewhat dissapointed. But looking back, how could have I done better? It was my first ever. Thats my excuse. But it was great experience. Oh at this conference, I see that I am PR lacking. I need to build my self confidence and be out there more. I just cannot bring myself outhere like some people. I envy those people who could just blab about anything. Nevermind, I'll do better the next time.

Bah atu saja kali eh.. so much for cant think of anything to write.. karang kana suruh panjangi karang lagi. ngalih lagi mikirkan. kekeke

I leave you with some pics i took sometime ago. Nada kraja tah jua ah.. hhehe

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