Wednesday, 31 January 2007
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
I heart my bike
Anyway.... I'v got a new toy... tadaaaa A mountain bike! I bought it second hand but brand new. Never been used and complete with the helmet. The set only cost me 100 clams! Not bad eh! Now I can cruise around on muscle power and hopfully loose a some weight in the process. Lets just hope so heheh
Oh before I go.. just want to congratulate my brother on his A levels result. 3A levels, B for Maths, C for Accounts and D for Physics. Not too shabby but it could have been better. Hes rather disspointed for not scoring on his Physics as he was banking on it. Congratulations is also in order for my cousin Muizz, he did very well. Managed straight As for Maths, Physics and Geo. So ia bulih jadi Geo-physicist lah tu ah.. heheh
I also have other cousins and second cousins who didnt do too well in their exams... Its is certainly not the end of the world. I hope this experience will open their eyes and motivate them to work harder for their own future. Speaking of opening eyes ani, I have a second cousin who has not been going to school for a year or two, out of the blue decided that he wanted to go back to school. Good on him and I wish him well. I hope he succeeds as he is known to be a clever young chap.
Monday, 29 January 2007
daa di daa
Speaking of morning.. gosh the weather was really lousy today. It rained all day. My from my freezing cold office, the view outside was very much like any European city. Not! heheh well it was cold and it was wet and grey. It reminded me of England weather. But hey, the forcast was thet Elnino is going to affectbrunei in feb with hot and dry weather. I just hope it wont be too hot and too dry. I cant bear hot weather. makes me wanna skip lunch coz of theat. Come to think of it, inda jua ku pernah kan skip lunch coz of anything. I always brave the weather for lunch. heheh Hujan ribut pun still I would go and feed myself.
BTW, the insurance I bought was from bibd. you guys who are renewing your car insurance... go and get them from bibd. cheap kali ah.. and they take care of everything.. from your blue card to your road tax. Atu baru ya service.. good job. I hope they keep up this kinda service or even exceed this in the future. It will definitely be good for their business. To be honest, I was going to renew the insurance somewhere else, but sorry matey, time karing2 ani.. I'll go for the cheapest and less hassle. Wudn't you?
oh today... I heard ada atm machine melatup. coz luan banyak kali kana takan-takan. and I also heard ada yang button nya aus... too much of katik-katik. hehhe - Sory guys.. its a pivate joke. but u should get it too. well for bruneians anyways.
Oh oh I need to tell you guys about my presentation at the conference I attended last week. It was my first ever presentation infront of huge audience. And it did not help that they were managers from all over the world, europe, middle east, asian countries and australia. Gosh I was a nervous wreck. Although I mostly read my presentation and not be as impromptu as I would like, I think it went quite well. Couple of people congratulated me. So that was great. But to be honest, I was somewhat dissapointed. But looking back, how could have I done better? It was my first ever. Thats my excuse. But it was great experience. Oh at this conference, I see that I am PR lacking. I need to build my self confidence and be out there more. I just cannot bring myself outhere like some people. I envy those people who could just blab about anything. Nevermind, I'll do better the next time.
Bah atu saja kali eh.. so much for cant think of anything to write.. karang kana suruh panjangi karang lagi. ngalih lagi mikirkan. kekeke
I leave you with some pics i took sometime ago. Nada kraja tah jua ah.. hhehe
Sunday, 28 January 2007
On days like today where there isnt much to do and nothing else to surf for on the net, I usually end up looking at pictures of aircrafts. What this is, is popularly known as Planespotting. Ideally, planespotting should be an outing where you go out, of course somewhere close to the airport and look at airplanes and take pictures and stuff. Now in Brunei, yes you can sort of do that, but lets be honest here, how many different types of aircrafts and airlines lands at our Brunei airport. To be frank, I think I've seen most of Brunei airport regulars. The SQs TGs the Silk Airs and the Air Asias and of course BIs. So that would not make an interesting outing would it? Of course there are those odd ones which comes to Brunei occasionally for checks and stuff. And there are those which comes by on a charter, either commercially or otherwise and those which lands here in Brunei unplanned. e.g. refuelling. I remember Air Niugini B747 once landed in Brunei for the purpose of that. Exciting stuff! So obviously, the busier the airport the better it is for plane spotters.
While I agree that some people might find it quite a weird hobby that I have going on. (For those who know me, it would certainly look even weirder. What do I do again? heheh) But it is no more weirder than say watching F1 racing. Which I do enjoy watching too. There are those who consider planespotting a serious hobby. As for me, I would not consider myself anywhere near that. Merely a simple and plain plane spotter. Occasionally looking up in the sky when theres a plane passing by. Once in a while go on the net. But after saying hat I did previously go to airshows. Seiously cool stuff! Planes spotters can be distinguished by the stuff or gadgets they carry with many of them carrying binoculars (to take a closer look at aircraft registration), radios (to listen in to the conversation between the tower and pilots and various other information such as which runway is in use and the weather condition etc) and notes (to jot down which plane is doing what). Those who take this hobby seriously would know stuff like the schedule of flight arrivals and what aircraft would be in use. They would notice when an airplane arrives late and if a different aircraft is sent to operate a flight, it would create a buzz amongst them. The buzz will be heighten especially if that particular aircraft is never or seldom seen at that particular airport. For you and me, I guess its like looking at A380 for the first time, it would have the same sort of buzz. Or maybe not. heheh
For me, what interest me the most is the types of aircrafts and the colours they sport. The beautiful or not so beautiful liveries. Whether their colours suit them. Who has a new liveries. who has the best liveries. Who has a kick ass special livery. Who has special logos/mascots on their aircrafts e.g. Awang Budiman for the 1999 SEA games on RBA airplanes. Where they come from. Which airlines has which aircrafts. Those mismatched colours and logos (esp. leased aircrafts from one airline to another) There is also the history side of the aircraft. When was it built. What production number does it have. Who was its first owner. Who is their current operator. Stuff like that. It is al comercial airlinrs for me. Not so much of military aircrafts. Although those really cool ones do intrigue me too.
Travelling is one of my passion. Unfortunately I have not had the chance to do much of that. Planes from foreign and exotic places conjur up the images of the places they come from. Its a bit like watching a travel show really. Needless to say, whenever I travel and especially travelling to a busy airport, I would have a field day. I would get excited and go mad. Titik2 aying liur~ Inda wah heheh I'd be sitting behind the biggest window I could find and watch airplanes pass by. I must say the best place to do this that I have experienced is the quiet section of the departure hall T2 at Singapore Changi Airport. And now they have added this foot massage machine to help you relax even more. For me its just amazing. I enjoy that so much. I remember when I was as young, about 11 or 12, on one of our trips to Singapore, my parents would let me roam all over the airport on my own. Now thinking about it, I cant believe they let me. Tapinya 11/12 year old atu kira tua jau sudah kali tu ah. So not a big deal. My point is, I've been interested in airplanes since I was at that age or earlier. Anyway, on those roaming trips that I had, I would sit behind one of the viewing gallery's huge glass walls and look at planes taking off and landing. One other airport (yang ku parnah lah ah.. atu pun inda jua sebrapa) which equals this aircraft viewing experience is at the Kansai airport, Osaka Japan. They also have amazing view. Not to mention the view of the ocean.
Yang siok jua mliat is the interior of the aircrafts. I mean for someone like me who seldom fly and if I travel pun usually on RBA, looking at the interiors of other cariers is also siok. Kesian bunyinya heheh Interesting to see who has what in their aircrafts. AVOD and angles bed and flat beds and even a 'cabin' seats. Its amazing how they are trying to outdo each other. As for me.. angan2 saja lah heheh
Anyways, I have a few pictures with links to show you guys of our beloved national carrier Royal Brunei Airlines aircrafts on their missions. For Royal Brunei or otherwise.
I have also put up several links at the side if you wish to see more pics or know more about planespotting.
Another pic with Awang Budiman on the side byut on B757 this time
RBA flights operating with leased aircraft from Lan Chile. Notice the chrome coloured belly as supposed to the usual yellow and the stripes are slightly higher than they are usually on other RBA B767 aircrafts.
No logo no name. heheh weird eh
Even weirder. This B757 Just came back from a stint with Oman Air. Not fully repainted into RBA colours yet. How cool is that eh
B767 with Visit Brunei year sticker
A rare one. B737.
Pictures courtesy of Kindly please click on the pics to go to their sources.
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Tuesday, 23 January 2007
Sunday, 21 January 2007
Blue stuff
Pretty cool huh
New year celeb parte deux
Friday, 19 January 2007
Celebrating New Year 1428
Kaer Azami
Song titles:
IZIN KU PERGI - I heard this is now a hit in KL since its promotional release sometime ago.
KAU TELEFON LAGI - Macam ada urang tesindir. kekekke

p.s. Video clip for 'Izinkan ku pergi' is in the process and the talented Rosh is in charge of it. Well some parts of it anyway. Rosh is the dude responsible for Anuar Zain's wonderful video clip ala-ala mangga comic + other video clips Including Sheila Majid's plus a host of other stuff. Check out his site
Thursday, 18 January 2007
Wednesday, 17 January 2007
Hair cut

Am having my hair cut this very second. This is cool. Hehe Been wanting to cut my hair for a week now but been delaying it. This guy can style ur hair anyway ur heart desire and give a clean shave too. He throws in a head a message as well. Not bad for a $4 job. After this, off to get myself a kebab from the kebab shop next door!
Tuesday, 16 January 2007
Sunday, 14 January 2007
Pizza for dindin
The missing weekend
Baloons for the birthday party
It may not look much but the roasted lamb was heavenly
Soto also made an appearance
Vanda at OGH
Fried stuff. my fav yam ball
The egg tart was excellent
Can you read tea leaves?
Chocolate cake at Coffe Bean in Bandar
My drink
My dear grandad Hj Murah Mohamad
My uncle's boots.
Scene at Brunei International Airport