Friday, 8 June 2007

Tasik Lama

So I was at the tasik last couple of weeks…. Its been ages since I’ve been there. And guess what.. bisai tia sudah.. The walking tracks a beautifully laid with those colourful rubbery material they use on children’s playgrounds. Loads of plants. Ada spots for those yang be tai chi and whatever the other type of dancing exercise they do in the mornings. And for those yang suka kan tenaik-naik bukit atu, there is a new route. This route inda plang brapa strenuous, which makes it perfect for those yang inda pernah naik bukit and those who has not naik bukit for a long time. Compared to the main bukit d tasik atu I guess this is a 4/10. A very relaxing leisurely trek up and down the hills. Nicely laid tracks, complete with arrows apaindah so that inda sasat. Didnt take much pics.. coz aku posting pasal ani pun accidental jua.. My intention ke tasik was to exercise, inda jua tepikir mengambil banyak pics. So anyway.. below are few pics which I took
View of Ong Sum Ping from the hills
Water fall

Waterfall again this time at a different angle and a bit higher up

Those who are into reflxology, you may try this out.

A small clip of tasik

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