Tuesday, 19 June 2007

lontong oh lontong

Kemarin for lunch I had lontong at the cute little singaporean cafe d gadong. I think its called Ghalia & Ghazi. Nyaman jua lah.. ilang jua rasa tais liur atu.. Though it isnt the best lontong I've tasted. My colleague JJ makes the best lontong which rivals the ones in singapore. The only problem with that is, sh only makes them during raya. In the mean time, I have to make do with a substitute. Anybody knows where the best lontong is in Brunei? I've tried the Desa cafe in Serusop and the one at Rimba Horticulture centre. They're okay but not quite there yet. When I was in sigapore last year, I had lontong almost everyday of the week.

Have a good day everyone. Salaam alaikum


Anonymous said...

our ex auntie rocky makes a mean lontong...pity we are banned from her house..

SiAwang said...

Jenny- What a pity. Does she have a kadai somewhere selling lontong? tais liur ku plang nah