wotsit has come up with a new service here in Brunei. PUSH Email. I do think it is an excellent service to have. It enables you to be notified instantly of any new email you've received from any email account altough with a tweaking on your Gmail account and only on the paid yahoo mail (free yahoo email inda dapat lai) + other email accounts lah. Of course u can read ur email tarus and reply and forward, macam as if you're on your desktop lah. Other services which comes with this is like the instant messaging capability, news and blogs rss, sharing files, virtual storage, PIM syncronization and remote excess desktop. All this is free for the first 30 days sahaja, after that u have to shell out 8 ringgau sebulan. Hmm aku ani pikir.. do i need this or not. Inda plang mahal mun ganya 8 bucks, but it is 8 bucks down the drain mun in be pakai.. dapat ku makan nasi katok 8 bungkus tuu heheh So lemme think...
Push email.
Yeah I guess I can make use of it. But then aku ani bukannya macam businessman needing up todate information. Mun ganya email di office atu.. why would I want to read my office email when I'm not in the office. Kalau big boss banar plang kali eh. Not a strong point for me on this one.
Instant messaging
Yeah I guess I kinda need that as well. But u see, I have the capability already right now to connect to this and I hardly even use this. So I guess a no on this one too.
Well yeah, I guess I can use this too but again and nice to have. I have the facility to do this on my phone already.. and inda jua bepakai. Thumbs down on this one.
Virtual storage
I have my gmail to store all my junk in and I can excess it anytime I want and also on my phone. + Plus I'm not like going to share pics and ring tones and stuff with people. Siapa tah jua kan dangan ku kan be share. No on this one too I guess
PIM Syncronization
Setauku this will syncronize my outlook address and stuff. yeah thats the problem.. I dont use outlook. Any other software this is compatible with? or it will syncronize with?
Remote excess desktop
Okay.. for this, I honestly do not think I have any use for. Both my PCs at work and at home are never switched on when I'm not near them. U need the PC to be switched on to excess it remotely dont u? Other times, I use the laptop which I lug around with me everywhere I go.
Of course there will be times when I wished I had subscribed to this... you'll never know when u need to use the services. Dont get me wrong. This sort of things gets me so excited, and I am. Its just that I dont see why I should subscribe to this. (macam kana paksa jua bunyi ku ani ah hehe ) So weighing up the pros and cons.. I think its worth the free 30 days trial period. Okay enough procrastinating.. you know you want it. Go on!
**sometime later**
Shucks!! I cant even download the programme.. Apatah alamatnya tuu? heheh
BTW if u need to know more on this push email stuff click here. And u can also go to www.morange.com for more information. I'm not trying to cause a stir here.. macam tah banyak readershipnya ani hahah I am just thinking outloud and get feedback from you guys and convince me otherwise.
Catch u guys later
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