Saturday, 30 June 2007

News in pics

My brother just came back from KL and he was wearing this jersey.. Apa eh.. sagainya :-)

When I arrived in the office Monday morning, the first thing I noticed was hot air hitting my face as soon as I opened the door. *sigh* no aircon again... Later we found out the aircon will be out for at least a couple of weeks. Hence tie off.

The scene at the filling station early morning on the terima day. It amuses me urang membali minyak early in the morning ramai-ramai ani... I dont think I've never seen that before except kalau time kan raya. Inda jua kan mennuggu terima baru membali minyak. heheh

Standing next to a moving train. Sushi train that is hehhe

This was my 5th shot trying to get the rear end of the train. This is the best.. but as u can see.. not so great

My office building.. clear blue sky after weeks of dark clouds and rains.

It puzzles me that this guy is not bothered that his car is parked in the middle of the road time urang trying to leave the masjid compound.

Sampat lagi took a pic of the gate from inside the car heheh Biasa lah kan.. traffic jam exiting the masjid compound.. so ada chance for a photo op

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