Saturday, 30 June 2007
News in pics
The scene at the filling station early morning on the terima day. It amuses me urang membali minyak early in the morning ramai-ramai ani... I dont think I've never seen that before except kalau time kan raya. Inda jua kan mennuggu terima baru membali minyak. heheh
Standing next to a moving train. Sushi train that is hehhe
This was my 5th shot trying to get the rear end of the train. This is the best.. but as u can see.. not so great
My office building.. clear blue sky after weeks of dark clouds and rains.
It puzzles me that this guy is not bothered that his car is parked in the middle of the road time urang trying to leave the masjid compound.
Sampat lagi took a pic of the gate from inside the car heheh Biasa lah kan.. traffic jam exiting the masjid compound.. so ada chance for a photo op
Friday, 29 June 2007
The crime scene...

Sunday, 24 June 2007
This must be one of the earliest recording of Adhaan (Azan) from Masjid Nabawi in Madinah in the year 1373H / 1950s
Friday, 22 June 2007
Thursday, 21 June 2007
today's post

"Menguap.....semua orang menguap termasuk juga saya... tetapi kadang kala kita terlupa ataupun juga kita tidak tahu ataupun kita tidak mahu ambil tahu apakah keburukan menguap. Adapun kalau mengikut hukum, semasa menguap hendaklah kita menutup mulut ..... ini rasanya kebanyakan orang tahu,Alhamdullilah. ... kan manis gitu.. Tapi seperkara yang orang jarang berikan perhatian ialah bunyi yang keluar dihujung proses tersebut bunyinya pula pelbagai...huargh. ....huh.. ..haaah dan pelbagai bunyi menandakan kepuasan melakukan perbuatan menguap ini.
Mengikut penjelasan seorang ustaz yang saya temui baru2 ini setelah saya ditegur menguap sambil mengeluarkan bunyi yg agak kuat juga Syaitan sangat menyukai bunyi menguap bahkan bunyi itu merupakan satu hiburan bagi syaitan..? astarafilullah. .! begitu rupanya...lalainya saya.
Jadi pesan ustaz tersebut..bukan tidak boleh menguap tetapi janganlah mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyia tetapi ucapkanlah istirifar selepas menguap supaya kita tidak menjadi kawan syaitan menghiburkan syaitan-sukakah kita bila syaitan seronok? sudahlah seharian hidup kita ini penuh dengan dosa dan maksiat yang kadang2 tidak kita sedar,setidak2nya usaha kita yang sedikit ini dapat memperteguhkan dan memulihkan keimanan kepada ALLAH subhanawataala dan menjauhkan fitnah syaitan..."
So how am I supposed to know if this is true or not? Anybody knows where I can send this to? Kalau ada 'Ustaz online' kan bisai... heheh
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Alhamdulillah kulli hal

Verify and confirm
What I am trying to say is... Is there anywhere di Brunei ani that I can send such emails (email pasal hal-hal keugamaan ani lah) to? To ask for verifications and confirmations sama-ada banar kah inda what they are saying. In this email's case, which is the actual Masjid Al-Aqsa. Banar kah inda whoever is trying to do whatever is another story.....
bah karang lagi..
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
lontong oh lontong
Monday, 18 June 2007
Sunday, 17 June 2007
PUSH Email
Push email.
Yeah I guess I can make use of it. But then aku ani bukannya macam businessman needing up todate information. Mun ganya email di office atu.. why would I want to read my office email when I'm not in the office. Kalau big boss banar plang kali eh. Not a strong point for me on this one.
Instant messaging
Yeah I guess I kinda need that as well. But u see, I have the capability already right now to connect to this and I hardly even use this. So I guess a no on this one too.
Well yeah, I guess I can use this too but again and nice to have. I have the facility to do this on my phone already.. and inda jua bepakai. Thumbs down on this one.
Virtual storage
I have my gmail to store all my junk in and I can excess it anytime I want and also on my phone. + Plus I'm not like going to share pics and ring tones and stuff with people. Siapa tah jua kan dangan ku kan be share. No on this one too I guess
PIM Syncronization
Setauku this will syncronize my outlook address and stuff. yeah thats the problem.. I dont use outlook. Any other software this is compatible with? or it will syncronize with?
Remote excess desktop
Okay.. for this, I honestly do not think I have any use for. Both my PCs at work and at home are never switched on when I'm not near them. U need the PC to be switched on to excess it remotely dont u? Other times, I use the laptop which I lug around with me everywhere I go.
Of course there will be times when I wished I had subscribed to this... you'll never know when u need to use the services. Dont get me wrong. This sort of things gets me so excited, and I am. Its just that I dont see why I should subscribe to this. (macam kana paksa jua bunyi ku ani ah hehe ) So weighing up the pros and cons.. I think its worth the free 30 days trial period. Okay enough procrastinating.. you know you want it. Go on!
**sometime later**
Shucks!! I cant even download the programme.. Apatah alamatnya tuu? heheh
BTW if u need to know more on this push email stuff click here. And u can also go to for more information. I'm not trying to cause a stir here.. macam tah banyak readershipnya ani hahah I am just thinking outloud and get feedback from you guys and convince me otherwise.
Catch u guys later
Saturday, 16 June 2007
la dida dida
No shoes on

Right after that, I had no where to go.. and guess where I ended up? Cafe au lait in Qlap. Recently opened. Came to know the opening frmo a colleague and we came here couple of days ago. Had breakkie and I thought I'd do some work on the laptop. Didnt know they had wireless. but obviously I somehow discovered their signal and voila! here I am typing away.... Managed to get some pics.

Bah lapas ani kan mliat wayang ku dulu.. I'll continue with this later after the movies. Noticed the S in the end of that word. Yep u got it.. I'm going to watch 2 and possibly more movies today.. Nya auntie N, walaupun nada keraja.. hahah and sorang lagi tu.. I dont care.. inda jua becerita in the movies.. so it dont bother me watching movies sorang2. bah karang lagi eh.. its almost time..
** 11 hours later **
Hokay.. I'm back.. Just came back from not 1 but 2 majlis bebadak. As usual its never siok going to these things. But that is what one has to do.. show one's face, and for one's own good. Mum's part of the family ani suka banar bekaroake. They were organising a singing competition. The comedian of the family was given the floor to host the competition. He began with "tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang mulia lagi di hormati dan yang inda mulia dan inda di hormati" and he announced the prize was 1000 bucks for the winner 700 runner up and 500 the third place. hahah We all knew that was not the case.. so that was funny. Went home before the competition finished. Ngalih eh.. kan tidur. Maklum lah.. been up since 8.34 hahahah
Bah kan tidur dulu ah.. oh btw the movies were great. Watched Ocean's 13 and Fantastic 4. inda sampai 3 movies.. ayung ku sudah by the end of the 2nd movie. Not much of a movie critic I know... Yang ku tau, is siok or not. But hey, Isnt that good enough for me. heheh Cant wait for the Transformers. It looks very good. Click here for the trailer. Oh btw, I went to this cute little cafe close to the cinema... cant remember what its called. had tea and baked potatoes. Good jua lah. Very good effort. I'll go there again.

mmmm nyaman.... tapi inda mlawan yang di whiteleys lah
Friday, 15 June 2007
Hady Mirza
An amazing talent from Singapura. Singing Hijau here with his idol Zainal Abidin. I am loving this performance.
Singing Freedom while on Singapore Idol 06
Seen here performing Lagenda and A duet with Jaq Victor.
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
daaa di daaa di daaa
Hmm What shall I post. Nada kan di post ani...
Post gambar saja lah...
Took these pics on Saturday time lunch which was coincidentally my birthday too. Inda plang terribly exciting. Perhaps one day, they'll remind me of what great time I had. hehe

My sis bought me this.. Not too sure what it is exactly. I think its a travelling necktie bag. My FAV brand lagi tuu. Thanks a bunch
Monday, 11 June 2007
Mari Bekurapak Brunei

Click on the pic to visit the site.
Allah Selamatkan Pengantin DiRaja
Friday, 8 June 2007
Tasik Lama
Waterfall again this time at a different angle and a bit higher up
A small clip of tasik
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Malam Jum3at al Mubarak
Somehow, suka ku mengambil gambar urang duduk on the carpet cemani ani.. Dont know why. Kali usulnya in uniform atu kali.. sitting in a row.
I noticed waktu sembayang, my stukin ada bubus sikit... apa lagi kan di tapuk-tapuk hahah