Helleewww.. I meant to post this last nihgt. But I was too tired and too full to do anything. Pretty busy saturday I had. Woke up early had breakfast and straight on to the internet. I did not intend to go out thinking I much rather stay home especially being th first Saturday after ter payday + bonus, I did not fancy going to gadong and get stuck in the traffic jam. But after I had lunch at home, I ran out of stuff to do. Datang tah malas ku kebahapa-apa and that will most definitely lead to boredom. So I thought, baik tah ku jalan and to have a look at the mini expo IT was talking about earlier on the week at Ministry of Deveopment. So off I went and dragged IT along whose office is just nearby.

Top pic is of the Ministry of Development building. Cool building eh. Amongst the exhibitions was this model of one of the house going to be offered as part of the Brunei government housing scheme. I think there were 9 house types models were on display. And this particular one, which I think is the nicest will be offered only to those who applied for housing scheme in the Belait district. For those who had applied for housing scheme in Brunei Muara district, you will be offered different designes. One funny fact on this type design. If you notice the balcony at the front of this house, there is no excess door. And it is not a mistake. Apparently, that is how the house was designed. Funny eh. heheh indapalah Tabuk ada. Meluah dari tabuk saja. kekek Overall I think the design of the houses are nice. (banar jua.. the existing design has been there for ages... we need a chang man) And all of them are 2 tingkat. Saves money as there is no need to fork out money to put up an extension. tapinya.. jan jua.. ia jua tu karang menambah samapi besayap2.
Later in the afternoon. My uncles+aunties and I went to have tea. Brunei style. Di Brunei ani.. when sombody says tea.. inda semestinya.. cake and tea. The menu may well be very similar to lunch. Which was the case yesterday. We had Soto for tea!! Full of lamak and oil. sluurpp! nyaman eh. heheh
Past couple of weeks my paents had introduced to us this restaurant. Its actually a house, tapi the living room on the ground floor has been converted to a restaurant. Nya untie H, ramai urang slalu. And the location is just adjacent to governement office buildings d airport lama. Kg. Burung Pingai. So those of you, siapa-siapa yang tais liur and would like to give it a try. Its the first house on the right Jalan surapit, Kg Burung pingai. Ad gambar di bawah ani.. ok Go on.. give it a try. You wont regret it. in fact you might, coz you'll get addicted to it and have to have it all the time. heheh

I had soto bergedil mata lembu with lots and lots of daging. They also offer other vaieties of soto, from the usual soto speacial to ati buyah.

In he evening aku ke DQ. Mbali green tea with chocolate. Nyaman jua lah. Aku suka green tea icream ani. Although it doesnt taste as good as those orginal green tea icecream. Tekanang pulang ku kan green tea icecream I had di baskin robins di Tokyo. That was my first time ever merasai green tea icecream and it was the very the nyaman.
Bah ok lah dulu.. kan jalan lagi ni.. meredah jalan2 yang full of kerita di gadong ah.. all this ice-cream talk makes me tais liur kan icecream swensen.
Top pic is of the Ministry of Development building. Cool building eh. Amongst the exhibitions was this model of one of the house going to be offered as part of the Brunei government housing scheme. I think there were 9 house types models were on display. And this particular one, which I think is the nicest will be offered only to those who applied for housing scheme in the Belait district. For those who had applied for housing scheme in Brunei Muara district, you will be offered different designes. One funny fact on this type design. If you notice the balcony at the front of this house, there is no excess door. And it is not a mistake. Apparently, that is how the house was designed. Funny eh. heheh indapalah Tabuk ada. Meluah dari tabuk saja. kekek Overall I think the design of the houses are nice. (banar jua.. the existing design has been there for ages... we need a chang man) And all of them are 2 tingkat. Saves money as there is no need to fork out money to put up an extension. tapinya.. jan jua.. ia jua tu karang menambah samapi besayap2.
Later in the afternoon. My uncles+aunties and I went to have tea. Brunei style. Di Brunei ani.. when sombody says tea.. inda semestinya.. cake and tea. The menu may well be very similar to lunch. Which was the case yesterday. We had Soto for tea!! Full of lamak and oil. sluurpp! nyaman eh. heheh
Past couple of weeks my paents had introduced to us this restaurant. Its actually a house, tapi the living room on the ground floor has been converted to a restaurant. Nya untie H, ramai urang slalu. And the location is just adjacent to governement office buildings d airport lama. Kg. Burung Pingai. So those of you, siapa-siapa yang tais liur and would like to give it a try. Its the first house on the right Jalan surapit, Kg Burung pingai. Ad gambar di bawah ani.. ok Go on.. give it a try. You wont regret it. in fact you might, coz you'll get addicted to it and have to have it all the time. heheh
I had soto bergedil mata lembu with lots and lots of daging. They also offer other vaieties of soto, from the usual soto speacial to ati buyah.
In he evening aku ke DQ. Mbali green tea with chocolate. Nyaman jua lah. Aku suka green tea icream ani. Although it doesnt taste as good as those orginal green tea icecream. Tekanang pulang ku kan green tea icecream I had di baskin robins di Tokyo. That was my first time ever merasai green tea icecream and it was the very the nyaman.
Bah ok lah dulu.. kan jalan lagi ni.. meredah jalan2 yang full of kerita di gadong ah.. all this ice-cream talk makes me tais liur kan icecream swensen.
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