Saturday, 23 December 2006

TV series

Hey guys. So its Saturday morning and I was already up at 0730. Hmmm antah ngapa ya bangun awal hantap. Last nite I stayed up till about 2 am watching House season 2 DVD. The downside of owning box set of tv dramas is you can never make yourself stop from watching one series afer another. Yes it would be alright for those who has nothing to do. But for those who are working, alamat antuk-antuk tah di office. Patutnya ah, you should watch them at your own convenience. Watch them as and when you have time. That is the point of buying a box set. Ani macam running a marathon. Inda lagi mau beranti. Anyway, I've only managed to finish 10 series. I have few more to go and that's it. I feel this season inda brapa cali. I enjoyed season 1 more. Nonetheless, I still enoy watching it.

Now I have The 4400 season 2 to watch. Antah somehow, I am not as excited tp watch it as I was when I downloaded them. Its been sitting in the hard drive for quite a while now. Since I'm on leave for the week, I think that would be the perfect opportunity to get through them.

Oh I am currently also on Heroes. I just love the show. Right now everybody have to keep their pants on coz series 12 alum lagi out. (Pants on?) Series 11 was already on air a few weeks ago. I wonder why 12 alum keluar lagi ah. Oh I got my bestfriend IT addicted on it as well and he told me that the 12th serie will only be on air pada 22Jan. But why? Je ne comprends pas. I just dont get it. IT says, alum siap filming. Antah banar kah inda. I just couldnt be bothered to find out for myself.

So what's installed for today. Being Saturday, I am expected to roam the city without any apparently reason or attention according to IT. Ah yes I nearly forgot, an invitation for hi tea at Auntie Damit's later at 3. We would not want to miss that would we. What's the occasion? Well the reason this time is untuk meraikan the return of Auntie Nimah back to the Abode of peace.

Gosh I am oh so hungry. I think ada nasi lamak in the kitchen. Alrighty guys. Brekkie time. Have a good one people!

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