Yo! So I was at Empire today. Checking in for a mate of mine. Gosh I have never seen so many people queing to check in at the same time at Empire. But I think that is probably because my stay at Empire was always during off peak period. And if I did check-in during the busy period, I'm always late. By that time, most people have already checked-in. Anyways, I was on time this time around. Check-in time was at 2pm. There were herds of people queing to check themselves in. I think there were no less than 6 counters opened to cater for everybody. Even the lady manning the desk (Tour agent?) infront of the counters helped to check people in. It was not as painful as I thought it would be and it was over in a few minutes. So that was great. Catu tah heheh
So we went to the room. It was at the lagoon building. I walked over instead of using the buggy service, which I knew was going to be a long wait, with that many people there. I went went through the Arcade. Saja-saja kan meliat the BVLGARI and the Inner Space shop. Right at the end, I noticed there were people doing some renovation/maintenance work. Outside, the work continued on the patio area. I never noticed this but I think this shop lot is meant to be a cafe or restaurant some sort. And if this renovation work IS for a cafe, that'll be great. I know I know, aku plang iski ani wah. There is something about cafes that excite me. I do love cafes and I do not think we have enough cafes here in Brunei.
Once in the room, I noticed they have placed a box of chocolate on he bed. Waaahh I know they are those Empire chocolate yang nyaman skali atu. The box also very the nice. Noticed also, the channels at Empire had changed a litle and they have added a few more channels including a certain favourite channel from a certain satellite tv company, yang on a certain season of the past few years tiap-tiap hari 6 urang tunggu-tunggu to watch. Not including me though. Well not anymore anyway. hahah
Well pokoknya, I like what Empire has done. Every little bit counts. Good on you.

The chocolate box
The contents. Jaman eh!
View of Li Gong Restaurant fromt the balcony.
Spent the rest of the day at Auntie Damit's for hi tea. And the spread was amazing. It was like a buffet table of a fancy restaurant. Banar. heheh I got there at about quarter to 5 and did not leave till past eight. I had all sorts. From nasi ayam to nasi briyani. From Soto to Laksa. Spaghetti to Rojak. Kueh-kuehan. Gosh I was so so full by the end and was ready to belingkar like a snake kebungkayangan. Took some pics.
This is only the dessert section
Small portion of Laksa
Some of the kueh