Friday, 24 December 2010

The other sultanate

While doing some spring cleaning in the office, stumbled onto this old Muhibah mag Nov/Dec 96 issue. And it has a khanjar on its cover and a feature on Oman inside. Eversince I was a kid Ive always been facinated by the other sultanate and I dont know why. Unfortunately never had the chance to visit the place yet. I had an Omani friend while at school and asked that I visit him. Obviously I never did. Now I have another Omani friend who insist that I come visit him. Only fair as he and his wife came fr a visit. Also I have Bruneian friends laki bini now with a baby whos moved to Oman whom I excitedly promised to come and visit tapi alum jua *I can just see KD rolling her eyes* hehe Anyway pokok pangkalnya I WANNA GO TO OMAN PLEASE!!

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