Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Garai Ramadan Sing Style

Couldnt resist to see n experience what the gerai ramadan is like in singapore. I must say it is different than the ones at home. More varieties of food I thought. Bagus jua lah esp kalau kan mbali kueh raya. Dont know what they taste like though

And of course you cannot leave Singapore without having their Lontong. To me, having lontong is a must when in Singapore. I know it may not look much from the picture. But believe me it was heavenly. Mana lagi sambalnya yang nyaman and added the extra rendang + bergedil. Serunding saja nada.. hmmm mun ada wah.. atu baru ia complete. The cleaning lady at the hotel says, diurang waktu puasa ani inda berapa kan mankan lontong just yet. Maybe because time raya karang there will be loads. Basically its raya food lah. But of course for me I cannot wait till raya.

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