Thursday, 29 December 2011

Pain killer gel

I just love this stuff. After I sprained my ankle the other day I used up all what I had left from the umrah trip. Now Ive got some more. Wuhooo! U guys shud try it if u hv muscle pain kah apa kah.... Hehhe tapi aku bukan doktor ah. So pakai at ur own risk. Hhehe Tapinya ani nada bejual di brunei ni. Sowwy

Monday, 26 December 2011

M&S chocolate

Cuba deh kepada urg yg berkenaan atu, simbatkan ku setub. Kan abis sudah ni supply. Im so addicted to this now.

Btw helleeeww peeps. I know ive not updated this poor blog of mine for a while now but Ive been seriously busy jeting off here and there hhahah This month alone I went on 3 trips. Kapihin tarus. Seriously menghitung hari hhaah Anyways hope you all are well. Take care and enjoy the holidays