Thursday, 29 December 2011

Pain killer gel

I just love this stuff. After I sprained my ankle the other day I used up all what I had left from the umrah trip. Now Ive got some more. Wuhooo! U guys shud try it if u hv muscle pain kah apa kah.... Hehhe tapi aku bukan doktor ah. So pakai at ur own risk. Hhehe Tapinya ani nada bejual di brunei ni. Sowwy

Monday, 26 December 2011

M&S chocolate

Cuba deh kepada urg yg berkenaan atu, simbatkan ku setub. Kan abis sudah ni supply. Im so addicted to this now.

Btw helleeeww peeps. I know ive not updated this poor blog of mine for a while now but Ive been seriously busy jeting off here and there hhahah This month alone I went on 3 trips. Kapihin tarus. Seriously menghitung hari hhaah Anyways hope you all are well. Take care and enjoy the holidays

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Salmon fish

Something I seldom find at the local supermarket. Bisai jua mliat ah

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Hub cap part 2

Nah sampai tia hajatnya kan ilang nah. Anyone knows where I can get 2nd hand hub caps?

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Posh sandwiches

Just found out about the sandwiches at the empire. Suka ku eh. This is grilled vegetables with feta cheese and the other one is roast beef. OMG cana kan kemari lunch ni. Jauh lagi


Our pretty modern and contemporary looking surau despite being almost 20 yeears old if im not mistaken. Not aiconditioned. Very airy and glass walls surrounds the entire solat area with some of them can be opened like doors to let more air in and have the open air feel about it. Love it

Thursday, 27 October 2011

My fresh water tank

Had this for about 2 months now. Have lots of tropical fish and quite a variety. Those are real live plants. Have just installed diy CO2 system complete with its reactor as a weekend project. Hopfully the plants will grow like crazy after this. Will update again once I see a marked difference.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Tea at colony

Geisha blossom at the colony. Its green tea with mix of fruits. Quite yummy

Selamat jalan Duyufurrahmani

Semalam sudah belepas kapal pertama menuju Madinah AlMunauwwah membawa tetamu2 Allah untuk menjalani ibadah haji. Sebak rasa dihati kerana ingatkan pengalaman sendiri. Mun ikut rasa hati ingin sekali lagi menjejakkan kaki ke tanah suci. Insyallah mudahan Allah taala akan memberi rahmatnya kepada kami sekeluarga dan menikmati kenikmatan menjadi duyufurrahman. Amin ya rabb.

Selamat menunaikan ibadah haji keluarga dan teman. Semoga sentiasa diberi kesihatan, tenaga dan kemudahan menjalani rukun, wajib dan sunat haji. Makan vitamin jgn lupa esp vit C :)

Saturday, 1 October 2011

aaahhh DXB

Half way there.
Obligatory photo op underneath the pohon kurma or are they pohon palm.
Well either way, kurma is also in the palm family :)

Friday, 30 September 2011

My ride home

Annoying young boy sitting next to me trying to impress the girl sitting next to him. uuurrggh

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Many more tubs


Somehow or rather Ive been listening to this show called Love Songs Dedications from a Melbourne radio station MIX 101.1 To be honest with you its really corny, tapi kadang kesian jua dangar urang mencurahkan isi hatinya ke radio station. baru broke up tah, kana dump lah and then there are yang baru jumpa their love. U could hear the happiness in their voices.

If u have free time, listen to it. 7-10pm brunei time Sun-Thu. Let me know what u think.

Many tubs

No prize for guessing how many tubs I hv eaten

Monday, 26 September 2011


From here
to here 
only takes 15mins.

But the whole trip took me at least 2 hours.  Nada dapat diamalkan eh. Mikirkan balik lagi tu. Mengangkat balian.... Tambang lagi....  Anyway  Good stuff

Note to self: Lain kali ke Hounslow or Slough saja. Ampir and cheap!

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Arabian theme

The office just had a soiree last night and the theme was Arabian night. Everybody pitched in and we decided to do Arabian sweets. Hence the name of the booth Oasis of Desserts.

Something Ive never had before is called Mohallabiah. That was quite nice. And then theres another one which I cant remember what its called. Its like cream wrapped in a cone like style. And to eat it you dip it into this nyaman rose water dip. Only had one of those. Inda ampit yo hhaha

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Office away from the office

Thought Id show you guys some pics of the amazingly beautiful work place. Oh how I just wish

Dapan building ada small lake. Blakang building there is an even bigger lake next to the food court/restaurant complete with its own ducks.

Main entrance. This is where we get dropped off/picked up kalau pakai staff buss. Which I do

One of the uniqueness of this building is they are like blocks of buildings, kali dalam 10 blocks. Inda besambung other than bridges between them. (Think Min. of Devlopment building) And then clear I guess glass roof between the buildings ani. So the ground floor is now kira inside the building. They made macam pedestrian walk with cobblestone floor, ada artificial stream running along some of the path. Lined with trees and modern outdoor street lamps. At the sides,  its lined with cafes, kadai runcit waitrose, banks, other sorts of kadai, salons even property services pun ada.     

One of the sidewalk cafes. Sandwiches selectionnya healthy. Again usul macam outdoors but its indoors.

I think this is tayar concorde

As u can see, the buildings are linked by bridges macam the ones at min of dev. bldg 

Mun buiding d brunei cani kan bisai. Semangat jua kan kraja ah. Creativity juice pun flowing

Kan makai tipunnya ani pun pikir 2 kali. Just look at the screen  hahah Complete sama warning. Inda alang2

Home away from home

Nice and comfortable. Room is large compared to regular hotel rooms in London. Bed is comfy. Rooms cold and freezing at times,  which is how I like it. Lots of channels on TV to keep me company.  Breakfast selections are great. Anyway, good place to stay. 

Yummy lamb cuttlets

Hhaa baru jua cakap pasal being healthy and eating healthy. Nyaman kali ah


I have an appointment at a health clinic this morning for a fitness test. Never seen a body fat monitor device before. Good thing to have back at home.

Oh fitness test went well btw. Surprising huh? Overweight but kinda fit hhaha I feel like Ive lost some weight from the amont of walking Ive done lately and healthy eating. The varieties of health food on offer are just mind boggling and even the choices of sandwiches are healthy. So hopfully I can get healthier and loose some weight along the way while Im here. Wish me luck!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

On board

So im onboard now. Cantik seat ku. I have all the leg room that I want. Bye brunei. See u soon hehhe Macam lama saja wah.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

£20 note

Dalam tah ku parnah meliat usin 20 paun ani. Shows how long its been since the last trip. Anyways, the xchange rate today was 1.99! Unheard of ah


Damn those new ramps! Trabang krita tarus

Rayaing still

Its Saturday and tylically quite a few open houses invitation. However Im at Millenium for lunch. Cant pass out on lamb cutlets can I? Hehe

Monday, 5 September 2011


Its about time! Hahhaha Its been years since Ive seen any flower came out of this plant. Bang on time I say :)

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sim card

Got my sim card today. I know its not an orange but this was passed down from my cuz whos just finished uni. After much convincing, Ive decided to take it. Hey its free. Siapa membari right? U wud want to keep the cost down as much as possible.

Anyway, its the fourth hari raya today. Continuing with visiting family members and friends tonite. Have fun u guys!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Hari raya and photo shooting

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri everyone. Its the second day of hari raya today amd it has been amazing 2 days beraya. Tiring but enjoyable. Other than beraya sampat jua mengambil gambar. If u notice the studio like setup in the picture. Anyways Selamat Hari Raya to u all and maaf zahir & batin :)

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Aquarium update

As u can see Ive introduced fishes to the aquarium. They seem to be doing fine for now. Lets hope so as raya is coming up

Aquarium update

So now ive added a bubble air curtain at the back. And this set up is for night time. Kesian jua teluan tarang lampung atu. So I got them some LED sleeping lights. What do u guys think?

Monday, 29 August 2011


Alhamdulillah just paid mine. Nyaman jua ati. Macam2 usul urang membayar ani. Bisai bisdia ani. Mau jua membayar walaupun rambutnya missing setampik haha

Aquarium update

Spent a fortune yesterday membali aquatic plants! Quite difficult to find and only certain ones sells them. By looking at the stock yesterday from 2 days ago, there are selling like hot cakes. Shows how rare it is to find various species of plants in one place at the same time. Either that or because raya is coming hehe Anyways, spent an hour last nite after terawih to plant them. Not very happy with the layout. But that will have to do as thats the limit to my designing capability. Im hoping they grow wild and into luscious (sp?) rain forest in there haha Basar harapam ku atu haha Bah atu saja dulu until the next update. I'll prolly introduce some fish tonight. Will see

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Fish tank

So Ive gotten myself a new tank. Its 3ft long. Shorter than what Ive been wanting to get but this looks huge enough. I'll have to wait for a few days for the tank to complete its cycle. Maybe Im gonna cheat a little by taking some water from the other aquarium just to make it cycle quicker. Im using T5 bulbs specifically just so that I cud put in some plants. Looks great for now.